Our PCN’s patient population includes those with poorly controlled diabetes. This is a borough wide problem in Waltham Forest. Engaging with these patients has historically proved a challenge with existing diabetes services often located and delivered in other areas of the borough.
Leyton healthcare, a member practice of our PCN, has already worked to address this issue devising a more holistic method of engaging directly with these patients. The results from this have shown an improvement in patients health. We have helped devise this as a pilot within our PCN which is currently underway and aims to be rolled out across the borough is successful. All the practices in our PCN are eager and aim to support the pilot.
Patients eligible for the pilot (it is directed to those with poorly controlled diabetes only) will be contacted directly but if you do have any concerns about diabetes or your care you are still able to access services in the normal way.
We are currently piloting with another practice in Leyton remotely printing blood pathology forms at the Langthorne health centres phlebotomy site (this means that instead of printing the forms at the surgery which you have to collect first you can directly go to the Langthorne centre and they will be printed there). This is only being trialled at the Langthorne centre and not at any of the other sites in Waltham Forest.