WFTT and Crisis Numbers

Get started today - call us on 0300 300 1554

If you are stressed, depressed or anxious, we can help.

Everyday life can be tough for anyone. Waltham Forest Talking Therapies IAPT is a free NHS service that can help with a range of problems such as depression, anxiety, stress including employment difficulties. Our service is confidential and easy to access. Simply complete our quick online form, or call us direct on 0300 300 1554 and we’ll arrange an initial telephone appointment. Together we will decide the right treatment for you. Talking therapies are proven to work, and our friendly, professional team offer a range of sessions throughout Waltham Forest, designed to help you cope better.

If your Mental health deteriorates or if you experience any thoughts of suicide or self- harm, please contact Mental Health Direct  on 0300 555 1000 (24hrs) or Samaritans 116 123.

mental health

